Monday, January 24, 2011

His so called Company

The other lie he has are about his company McCormick Repo and Towing Services. Only thing this company has is a truck sitting in the front yard. no building, no customers. The phone numbers on his
website do not work. there is no physical address to pick up a vehicle. And no his buddy is not running it.
Why?  because it does not exist.  A weak website where he claims to be Ex-Ranger well you saw that he is not. No record of him being a Ranger or even attending school. The one thing he did was jungle ops, which is not Ranger training.  So using the status of Ex Ranger to get more popularity or possibly to gain profit from this status is a violation of the Stolen Valor Act. 

All in all Lance needs to some good mental counseling. He has lied his way thru life and whether or not someone has sat him down to explain to him the consequences of his actions and what happens when
one lies continuesly is not apperant. If you know this guy it would behoove you to either tell him to shut the
f*ck up or take his hand and guide him to Dr. Phil, Becuase he surely needs it.

IF you wish to view the so called company.   then the link is below.  I think anyone can get online and take pictures of someone elses truck and post it as your own.

His other civilian occupation lie is that he use to run Blackwater for 4yrs. I was stationed in Baghdad for the 7 months of my 9 month tour. We were watching the news and saw where XE Services (Blackwater) was being kicked out of country due to the 2007 shootings.YOU  were to leave Iraq. VBC is full of PSD's use to run on a treadmill next to one, and even asked what would happen if somone did actually end up arrested. Well from what he said no american would want to be arrested by the government escpecially that had any ties to Blackwater they will not be leaving very pretty. So Lance i guess he missed that FRAGO. B/c he still sits in Iraq doing is thing, telling people how much he owns and how much he has. and Yet he can't show for anything. Other then a tow truck in the front yard.  Now that is Red Neck!

the link to this story is below.

MIlitary Lies2

So also in googling i found the Special Forces Association. And wrote them to ask if his lies were even at least possible.  And this is the Forum thread.

I am looking for information on a supposed member and maybe debunk some info he puts out about himself. these are his statments about himself. NAME; Lance McCormick DOB 05/12/1971

1. SF/Ranger Sniper. Went to Panama in 89, as a Pv2 Ranger Jumpmaster.
joined in 89 after getting his GED, but after he came back he states he went back home to Nevada to proceed to graduate from HS which he did so and he posted it on his profile in 1990. Possible?

2. His last know unit has he puts it:
505th 3rd Brigade HHC, the pir
fayetteville, nc possible? i called bragg and the operator could not find the unit.

3. He retired at the age of 29 or 30 after being in for 10-11 yrs and did so
has a E8-MSG. and stated he wore a diamond for short time. Possible?

4. this one hit hard. i served in 2003 with 4th id. 1/66 ar. we supported tankers, infantry, scouts, mps, and very so often a group of Sf guys would come in asking for extra food if we had it, anything to make their MRE's taste better. so we always gave more then we should ( fruit, gatorade, even hot chow if they came in at the right time  just b/c we knew they didnt get alot. our footprint was brassfield-mora-samarra ws told it closed nov 09. but we got to know these sf guys not well but well enough. so when this dildo told me this, i kind of was offended, i know this community is tight and close and i am sure this could happen.

but he stated in 2003 his sf buddy paul johnson was killed in the sunni triangle (where i was so i wasnt sure if i knew him, i knew one guy only by pauly)
and this dildo bought mr. johnson wife a house so she wouldnt have to worry. and he was the sole person who did this no one else footed the bill but him. when i asked him why no one helped he said he they told him no.

5. he also says he trained a kuwait prince and married his sister who died a short time after their wedding in a car accident.
6. he did that plus ran Blackwater for 4 yrs. when asked what yrs he just ran around the questions and avoided it. i was stationed in baghdad this year and and was with hr co this time and know and saw some of the emails that came down thru the chain about known assoicaites and how they only had 7 days to get out of country or be arrested for visa violation.
7. and last but not least he was a mechanic in Delta Force. of course there was no years given.

after stating he did all that in a short amount of time also claiming he was shot in somalia showing his small scar on his leg. he now works in join base balad working as a mechanic for terex corporation fixing cranes. which he uses and tells ppl over the phone he IS still a SF member and is on orders and will use this to get out of paying bills. when i said u cant do that, he got in my face and told me to mind my own business. so i did and went told his employer but not sure if anything happened he still there so apperently nothing.

so iam trying to debunk these stories so i can somehow turn him for stolenvalor or if anything catch him and let everyone know that he is just a lie. which i am sure some do, but i would like to keep my facts straight and make sure i am telling the truth unlike this one.

thank you for your time and service.
This fellow IS NOT a member of the Special Forces Association. He sounds like he has played too many video games. Some of these claims are outlandish and if he is using them to defraud anybody, the authorities would be interested. Here are some sites you might pass him on to:

Good Luck
Just a couple of points on this story.

They don't send PV2s to Jumpmaster school in the Ranger Bn that I know of.

He would have had to medically retire at 10-11 years, which is possible, but doing it as a MSG would be very rare.

There's no SF KIA that I can find named Paul Johnson.

SF Guy marrying a Kuwaiti princess? Never heard of it, but I guess it's possible...but not very.

I agree with the genltman above. I'm sure this wannabe background request will get circulated pretty quickly, so stand by.

Chuck and Mary Schantag are members of SFA Chapter 82, as Honorary Members.
McCormick's DOB just about debunks 90% of the claims; as being very unlikely. Chris covered all the rest that I had to say. Yet there is one thing that puzzles me, and that is I have heard/read his name someplace before, and I'm thinking it was on the Wall of Shame.

If you ask nice and give Mary all the data you posted here, she will give you the best shot in the world as to the validity of this guy.

I can't give you her personal email address, but you have my permission to tell her I sent you. Good Luck..................R

 Lets just quit goofin around with this guy, take what you have to the "Team Sergeant" at and get the thing sorted out. If he is claiming SF and profiting from that claim or is just a poser, his days are numbered. JD will do what needs to be done to verify and/or exonorate him or shut him down by inclusion in the "Hall of Shame" and for as long as the internet exists he will remain there, if he has earned membership.
SFA M-585-L

Folks, an old long standing friend of mine asked me to post this for him, as he was unable to do so. The original message is in small bold black font, Paul's response is n small bold, some of my thoughts are in larger, green bold font.

I hope I am in the right spot and using the right format, so here goes P, good luck.............

P, we tossed this around on the General Members site, last night.

Here are my thoughts: JUMP MASTER in a few months, as an E2; NOT HARDLY, one needs 65 jumps to attend the JMC
Become a Sniper (as an E2) and assigned to a Ranger BN, NOT HARDLY.

I will send this on out for you, though...............
In a message dated 12/30/2010 7:12:44 A.M. Central Standard Time, ASFBacSi writes:
Jim for what ever reason I'm unable to post responses on the Public section of the SFA Web Site so I'm sending this to you to pass on for me.

Looking for Information


I am looking for information on a supposed member and maybe debunk some info he puts out about himself. these are his statements about himself. NAME; Lance McCormick DOB 05/12/1971

I assume if his DOB was 5/12/1971 that the youngest he could join the service would be at 17, so that would have him entering the service on or about 5/12/1988 at the youngest.

BUT! He claims he joined in 1989 ( WHAT MONTH ?)

1. SF/Ranger Sniper. Went to Panama in 89, as a PV2 Ranger Jump master.
joined in 89 after getting his GED,

If he went to Panama in 89 WHAT MONTH?
Do the math.
In 89 he went through basic training , ( NO POST BASIC MOS TRAINING GIVEN) became a SF/ Ranger Sniper ( HOW MANY MONTHS ? )
Became a Ranger Jump master ( How many Months? )

I didn't realize a Pvt2 could become a Jump master how many weeks and jumps are required ?

but after he came back he states he went back home to Nevada to proceed to graduate from HS which he did so and he posted it on his profile in 1990. Possible?
Do the math! If he enlisted in 89 what was his term of enlistment?
How could he enlist in 89 , get out of the service in 90 return to HS after only one year of service, ( Why return to HS he already had a GED and would the school even allow it? ) and accomplish all he claims including going to Panama .
I don't waste my time with these wannabe's unless they are trying to defraud someone or the system. I feel they are lacking something in their lives and seeking attention to overcome what they are lacking.

They are somewhat like a child that will act bad if they can't get attention acting nice.
I assume they feel any kind of attention, is better than none .

In this case he has more than accomplished his goal because he is now appearing on the SFA Web site.

Have a nice day .

Originally Posted by "White Rabbit" View Post
Lets just quit goofin around with this guy, take what you have to the "Team Sergeant" at and get the thing sorted out. If he is claiming SF and profiting from that claim or is just a poser, his days are numbered. JD will do what needs to be done to verify and/or exonorate him or shut him down by inclusion in the "Hall of Shame" and for as long as the internet exists he will remain there, if he has earned membership.

I concur, does a good job at "outing" these types of folks....and there are plenty of' we all know.

PV2 JM....jeeesh
JMC PrerequisitesGraduate of the United States Army Infantry School Airborne Course. Active Army and Reserve Component officer and noncommissioned officers. Must be in the grade of SGT or above. All students muyst be qualified, current (jumped within six months or attended Jump refresher) as a parachutist and have a minimum of 12 static line parachute jumps from USAF high-performance aircraft and been on jump status for 12 months. Must be recommended by battalion commander or officer in the grade of LTC. Officer and enlisted personnel must have a current valid physical examination less than 60 months old. Applicants must have passed the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) within 6 months of entry with a minimum score of 180 points (60 points in each event using applicants age group). Medical examination (Standard From 88) and APFT Scorecard (DA Form 705) must accompany the individual when he/she reports for training. Additionally, individuals must have in their possession their individual Jump Record (DA Form 1307) closed out by their unit. Students must meet Army height/weight standards.


A quick check of Ranger School attendance of '80s & '90s do not show Mc Cormick attended Ranger School. That was a surprise find (LOL). Get a Class# so the orders can be checked.


Raine, I know this guy. He work about 200 feet from me. let me tell you the stories he tells are out of this world. We had a VIP walk through the other day and he starts off by saying hello I am Lance and I am ex special forces. Now he was telling this to a 2 star. We all know he is full of crap but you should not be telling a 2 star you are ex anything when you are not. He is one of a kind and I think he needs some help.

not sure

I am not to sure about that one. We all know around here is is full of crap and his nick name is lyine lance. I can not believe someone has not stopped him yet or why he is not been in trouble about portraying himself as some war hero. he is just a bum looking for attention.


YES HE TOLD a 2STAR GENERAL he was Ex- Special Forces,  I think he does these things to see how far he can go and to see who is going to give damn to do anything about it.  So here I am
doing something about it. This man has no right to claim EX anything. He is a bully and does not care about anyone but himself. He has 8 KIDS to take care of, and doesn't seem he can do that right.  Both ex wives were taking him to court for lack of care or lack of support when he was suppose to be doing the right thing.    He gets his pay garnished for his child support only 800 some dollars, for 8 kids. that doesn't seem alot does it. 

Military Lies.

I have been researching Lance since Iraq, is claims of being a Special Forces Member and all the stories he says just didn't add up. And not sure why he thought telling his lies to a Soldier who is nosy as hell would even pan out for him.  So since I love to google i started googling. And found POC for the Special Operations Command and the thread is as follows.


 - no record found

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 10:45 AM
To:  MS S
Subject: RE: Service Member (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Lance Monte McCormick
DOB 12 May 1971

-----Original Message-----
From: MS. S 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 9:42 AM
Subject: RE: Service Member (UNCLASSIFIED)

Provide me his name and I'll see what I can do.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 9:44 AM
To: S MS
Subject: Service Member (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

This Person is the S1 Personnel for Special Operations Command Fort Bragg North Carolina.
there is no record of Lance McCormick being Special Forces. 

This check was done by the Ranger School themself. NO RANGER SCHOOL!

Subject: Re: Fw: RANGER CHECK Fwd: Lance Mccormick DOB 05/12/1971 (UNCLASSIFIED)
                 Mr xxxxxxx,
Search green cards for both the 80's and 90's, no card on file for McCormick, Lance M........ 
 MSG xxxxx

Never attended Ranger Training Brigade.

Infidelity In Iraq

Below is email thread from a woman who was seeing Lance while SERVING in Iraq. He is not serving in as a Soldier or SF or PSD in Iraq, he is a mechanic for Terex Corporation.  This is when the "wife" and the supposed g/f found out about each other. After Lance asked Woman 1 to marry him in Iraq just 30 days prior before she left to return to the states.

John Sloan November 3 at 10:19pm Report
I do apologize, did I say something to offend you and yes that is me in the pic. I went to a friends in Montana and hung out with his family.

 Woman 1  November 4 at 12:31am
no u are fine. i just got booted live out in the middle of no where. so internet is not very good. my apologies. well dont know how u know lance mccormick but i would not have expected him to have a friend like u

John Sloan November 4 at 12:56am Report
I used loanto work on trucks with him. I have been getting nasty emails fromwomen because of him. Did you date him too?

Woman 1  November 4 at 12:58am
lol sorry didnt mean to start a trend. yes i did. we meet in iraq, i am soldier and had me believing i was the only one. but i kept finding stuff other wise showing that i was not. but was also lying about the women that he had been with.

John S November 4 at 1:58am Report
I HATE TO ASK THESE QUESTIONS BUT I need to know, did you have sexual relations with him? You cant do that over there can you?

Woman 1 November 4 at 2:46am
lol hmm are u going to turn me in? yes i did. for 2 months. was the end of the tour. he got all mushy on me and said ILY and all thought it was just an iraq thing, but he is the one who started talking about love and being married. called me his wife and maybe it is thing for him to get off on idk.

John Sloan November 4 at 2:59am Report
How long ago was it? Just want to make sure I am not a revound thing.

 Woman 1  November 4 at 3:08am
lol no we only went out until today someone put up a fake profile up and he thinks i did it, but i didnt. but he wont listen so I said good bye. i can email him tell him about u. but idk, i think he has someone in NC already but he keeps denying it but i kept finding
little stuff to show that he was lying. i know he has alot of women friends which okay. i guess my downfall is i get jealous b.c i dont have good self esteem. so i claim my fault in everything. but whatever. i dont think i want to be with someone when i have to keep guessing if i am the only one in his life.

John Sloan November 4 at 3:18am Report
That is true. Be honest with yourself.

Woman 1   November 4 at 3:20am
yea. so how long u known him for and who else emailed u?

John Sloan November 4 at 3:25am Report
You know Letina? That is his so called wife. He is with her too

Woman 1 November 4 at 3:28am
really? wow so i thought so. well u can tell her that he cheated on her with me i dont care i didnt  know i mean i kind did but he kept lying.

John Sloan November 4 at 3:29am Report
She is his friend on facebook too. Some girl Dana from Florida as well

Woman 1 November 4 at 3:31am
what are u kidding me? 2 more

John S November 4 at 3:32am Report
From what i understand.

Woman 1  November 4 at 3:33am
what ! wow

John Sloan November 4 at 3:41am Report
Dont fret it he will reep what he sowed

Woman 1 November 4 at 3:45am
well i hope he knows he has ruined three ppl in the long run

John Sloan November 4 at 5:58pm Report
Hope all is well with you today and the sun came up shining.

Woman 1  November 4 at 6:05pm
lol yes it did not to bad. just wish i would start working. i sent letina a pic of me and lance in iraq. so i hope she wont be mad at me for doing that

John Sloan November 4 at 6:11pm Report
She told me they got married July 28th. WOW that is messed up but now he is screwed. Men like that give guys like us a bad name. The Facebook profile that is up there is not his. It is another woman who is piised

Woamn 1  November 4 at 6:13pm
wow 2 days before he came back to iraq. and we hooked the week he got back to iraq. please tell her i will tell her anything she wants to know. but glad it is there or else none of us would have found out about one another

John Sloan November 4 at 6:15pm Report
He slept with my friends cousin I think it was in June then never called her again

Woman 1 November 4 at 6:16pm
ohh there is so much to tell.

John S November 4 at 6:19pm Report
I would post those pictures on that profile page of his for everyone to see. HEHEHE. I wish my friends cousin had pictures. I asked her she said no it was just a sexual thing.

Woman 1 November 4 at 6:21pm
wow so he cheated on her right before they got married too?
oh yea so totally hope she gives him what coming. and she is in AIT now?

John S November 4 at 6:22pm Report
What is that? Where they both are? She gonna shoot him and blame it on someone else. I would.

Woman 1 November 4 at 6:24pm
lol i would not she is in AIT. advanced individual training. she is getting her MOS military occupation specialty. her pics show her in ft leanardwood, mo. Lance is still in iraq. has a civilian contractor

John Sloan November 4 at 6:25pm Report
Ah. That girl Anita he has 2 kids with is now his friend on that FB Profile. Oh yeah and she is not gay. She likes men. He lied about that too.

Woman 1 November 4 at 6:28pm
he is not worth going to jail for. do him the way he keep saying all his exes did. every single ex wife he says cheated on him he call them all kinds of names. tell her i have his AFF profile print screen if she wants i will email it to her too. not proud of it but that how we meet my profile is deleted. wow and yea he emailed me back in may when he was in Baghdad trying to hook up then. but i dont have any of those emails.

John S November 4 at 6:29pm Report
What is AFF. Sorry I am so ignorant

Woman 1 November 4 at 6:31pm 
 lol its okay  u can give her my number too if she wants to talk or if anyone wants to talk.  i am reeling in this moment and have no one to holler wow i cant believe i fell for his stupid shit

John S November 4 at 6:31pm Report
You should email it to me so I can give it to my friends cousin. She is still actually upset he stopped calling her

Woman 1 November 4 at 6:33pm
what is your email addy i think all the women need to get together and bring him down

John Sloan November 4 at 6:33pm Report   ( email no longer works)

John Sloan November 4 at 6:37pm Report
I am actually looking for friends. Nothing fast. Slow. Since my wife passed I really havent been up to it but I think for the right woman I might but I need to take my time

Woman 1 November 4 at 6:39pm
ohh sorry for you loss (hugs) cant rush anything. which is a lesson i just learned.

John Sloan November 4 at 6:40pm Report
I tired to access that website and it is blocked, Guess the way they set thic computr up.

John Sloan November 4 at 6:44pm Report
yeah I cant access it now I know why.

John Sloan November 4 at 6:45pm Report
He also has a new friend a girl Tommie Lackey. They watched the Trace Adkins concert in Iraq I think Monday so she may be the next

Woman 1 November 4 at 6:45pm
do not mess with married men I just have trust issues. and lance didnt make sense , picked up on some of the same habits my ex husband did. started questionsing him about things that i found laying around. and he kept deyning that he was married or with someone. lance showed me alot of what he has. he spend money up the wazoo. well he says he does anyways.  He even said his wife was dead.

John Sloan  November 4 at 6:53pm Report
When I became his friend or at least I thought it was his profile page whoever is posting on it told me said I could have my pic because there were many to choose from
from profile

view profil

Ask Lance to post a photo

Gold Member
Reed High School, SPARKS, NV
Retired Army MSG-E8 Special forces,Rangers Currently work In Iraq as a private Contractor Resides In Fayetteville Nc Has 8 kids 2 which are in College 2 in High school and 1 in grade school and two 3 year olds and a 1 year old. we live in fayetteville Nc and Owner of McCormick Repo and tow.Currently In Balad Iraq And theater program manager of terex cranes for all Iraq.

Before he changed this he had down that he was married to AMY HUBBARD when it was found it was again changed to the woman he was in a relationship with, and then someone else saw his post and got pissed off at him and he changed it to this.   Now he married a woman on July 28th 2010 Why didn't he put her name and that he was married to her..

A letter from Victoria Bressner to Lance when she found he was cheating on her, i do not know their relationship is now, but they are more then likely still talking.  She is head over heels for him and will beleive anything he says. But i dont think she is all there either, probably why he uses her. she just doesn't know any better. Or just is so ignorant that she can't see that he is lying.

so you finally came clean. am i surprised by this? No. You kknow i;ve thoght there were others. Its bad the one woman that wouldnt cheat on you screw you was me....Well, I'm sure Iam not the only one. Its too bad, because you are beeter then this. And actually, you must feel like SHIT or you wouldnt have written such ugly letter to all of us. Did it feel good to come clean?
Some day you'll wake up from this cloud you've been in and realize Your're sick of the game and wish there was just one woman that loved you that you could trust.
so i got played and trust me i tried everything to be the one for you, but you won. you succeeded at screwing my heart a 2nd time...but i'm smart enough to know i put myself there.
remember about a year ago when you were alone... and hated it? do you realize its almost year since you did this to me last time?
You see the sick thing is, I still love you even after reading this and i will continue to. that's how screwed up iam but iam not a lying, screaming backstabbing bitch. im the good one your about to give away.
dont settle for sluts and whores using and  cheating bitches lance.
is this why i was bombarded and surrounded by sliverado trucks yesterday when i was out? hum
was it all a lie? or somewhere deep down did you love me at all? ill leave you alone. but if anywhere in you, you realize you really do love me and you want to know if this can go somewhere...if you can be faithful to one woman that will love you for life. you know where
to find me. you know you really know. iam the real deal, the one that can forgive you and move on.
i lovr you lance monte mccormick, sr 5x-xxx-xx15
the "slut from il" Vik.